With Child

Date published: 3/13/2024

Image of Gary with his daughter

I’ve been with child for just over seven years. I’ve been with wife a little longer. Previous versions of myself would not believe where I am now. They spent their lives like frogs in a pond, hopping from one lily pad to the next, never staying for long.

Then one day on a certain lily pad, I met my wife, and the small voice said: Don’t hop around anymore, my boy. Later, a little one hopped on, and stayed with us on our lily pad.

I remembered when I was a little one, and I did not know what to do. So, I vowed that this little one would learn things right, things that took me too much time to work out, knowing it was my job to settle her curriculum. I thought about it long, and I thought about it deep, and I saw a future life for her so different and better prepared than mine. But there was a snag.

The small voice said that if you do not practice what you preach, she won’t listen for long, and worse than that she just might inherit bad thought and practices from insidious, poisoned ponds.

Image of Gary with his daughter

I thanked the voice and said that I would start right away and improve myself. The voice replied: We’ll see. I took an inventory. It was extensive. I changed my thinking, and my actions changed along with my speech and then much more besides. It was not easy. I often fell off into the old pond, but I kept climbing back onto the narrow lily pad.

I cannot see the finish line because there isn’t one. In many ways the tables have turned, as it is my daughter inspiring me. When I see that girl emanate humour, intelligence, beauty and kindness, I’m reminded of my responsibilities and my oath to the small voice about improving myself. I’ve not heard from the voice for quite some time, but I know he’s watching.

Earlier this week she invited me for a sleepover. Just her and me. We will spend the night watching what she wants on TV and her mum will bring tasty snacks for us.

Many humans want to leave a legacy. Maybe an idea. Perhaps an invention, which may even lead to a statue of them. But the greatest work of art is to help mold a blessed soul to bring a positive influence and presence now and into the future. And I’ll be more than satisfied with that!

By Gary Troia

Gary’s Amazon Author Page

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